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Baltimore Breast Augmentation Expert Shares Recent Data of Ideal Versus Silicone Gel Breast Implants


Recently, data was released comparing Ideal breast implants with silicone gel breast implants. Dr. Jeffrey Schreiber, a breast augmentation expert in Baltimore, is happy to share with you the fact that Ideal breast implants offer several advantages over silicone gel breast implants. For example, the capsular contracture (hard scarring) and rupture risks are lower in the Ideal breast implants. Even more, the Ideal breast implants are not associated with the silent rupture that can occur with silicone gel breast implants. Warranties for rupture and capsular contracture are offered for both of the implants, however.

Maryland breast implant patients should know that Ideal breast implants are fantastic, but not for everyone. Silicone gel breast implants are still FDA approved and they do provide a natural look and feel to the breasts after augmentation. Those women with a wider breast or those looking for very large implants (800cc) can still achieve great aesthetic results with silicone gel breast implants. Every patient is unique, and Dr. Schreiber takes this into account during your breast augmentation consultation in his Baltimore, Maryland office.

Whether you choose Ideal breast implants or silicone, know that the procedure takes only about 1-2 hours with only a few days of recovery. Many of Dr. Schreiber’s patients return to work after a few days and only take non-narcotic pain medications after surgery. Dr. Schreiber even allows his patients to shower the very next day since he uses a waterproof dressing after the procedure.

To book a breast augmentation Baltimore women are encouraged to call (410) 205-1846 or click here to request an appointment online.

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