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Baltimore Plastic Surgeon: Offering Cosmetic Surgery for a Bridal Glow


Selfies have come a long way—from the face to the hands. There is now such a thing as an ‘engagement ring selfie,’ in which women show off their luminous engagement rings on social media. It has become so popular that some women are opting to have a cosmetic procedure just to rejuvenate their hands for that special selfie shot.

Women opt for plastic surgery to get the perfect engagement ring selfie-what senior reporter Hannah Gale reports that the procedure is similar to getting Botox injections on the face. After the treatment, the hands are supposed to end up smooth, wrinkle-free, and most importantly, younger-looking. A U.S. patient opted to have the procedure because she’s always hated how her hands looked, and it made her hands engagement ring-ready.

A debate exists on whether this treatment is really necessary. After all, when the Big Day comes and the bride is walking down the aisle of a top Baltimore wedding venue like the George Peabody Library, for instance, will people be looking at her hands? Women who got engaged recently would be better off considering treatments from a board-certified Baltimore plastic surgeon that would bring them bridal glow on their wedding day. Here are some procedures they might want to try:

Breast adjustment

A strapless wedding dress is extremely popular among brides these days. However, to wear this style fabulously, women have to have ample breasts to fill it out. Flat-chested women can consider getting a breast lift from a plastic surgeon in Baltimore so they can show a bit of cleavage. On the other hand, full-chested women who wish to wear a strapless wedding gown may want to have a breast reduction.


Rhinoplasty can smoothen nose bumps and correct misshapes and crookedness. A well-sculpted nose can dramatically enhance a bride’s appearance. She will not only look gorgeous in wedding photos, but she’ll also look goddess-like up close as guests swarm to offer well wishes and take a picture with her.


Women who are satisfied with their noses and bust size can say hands off to a nose and boob job. However, they may have love handles they want to get rid of to fit their gorgeous wedding gowns. They can opt for Coolsculpting, a non-surgical option to freeze and eliminate fat so they’ll become one sexy bride.

The bride is the main star in a wedding. More than having a pretty hand for the engagement selfie, a bride should invest more on outshining every other lady on her Big Day. Fortunately, cosmetic procedures from Dr. Jeffrey Schreiber of Baltimore Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center can make this happen.

(Source: Women opt for plastic surgery to get the perfect engagement ring selfie – WHAT?!,, May 19, 2014)

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