The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 1 in 10 American adults suffer from a certain level of depression. Although not considered a serious medical condition in most forms, depression is a brain disorder that leads to various physiological issues, including chronic fatigue, reduced pain threshold, and insomnia. Unfortunately, statistics presented by reveal that around 80 percent of people with depression are not receiving any treatment for it.
One procedure originally performed to eliminate wrinkles has been found to have positive effects against depression as well: Botox. Medscape Medical News writer Caroline Cassels discusses a study conducted by Investigators at the Hannover Medical School in Germany, which showed that using Botox to treat muscles affected by human emotions has a positive effect against the symptoms of depression:
“A total of 30 patients with high levels of chronic and treatment-resistant depression were enrolled in the study. Patients were randomly assigned to receive a single injection of Botox or a single injection of saline placebo (“fake treatment”).
Six weeks after a single treatment, the Botox group had an average 47.1% reduction in depression symptoms vs. 9.2% in the placebo group.
The investigators found that the effect size was even larger at the end of the study. Improvement was also reflected when other tools were used to measure depression symptoms.”
Related studies concluded that facial expressions and emotions are linked. This means that changing either the emotion or the facial expression can influence the other, as whatever one does with her face transmits feelings back to her brain.
A cosmetic surgery in Baltimore, such as a facelift, can have the effect of removing tell-tale signs of anger or sadness on the face, such as the sagging around the middle part. Those who are looking for a less invasive solution, however, can turn to Botox. As Botox acts to paralyze facial muscles that are responsible for expressions of anger or sadness, it also prevents the transmittal of these emotions to the brain.
Beyond its potential ability to treat depression, it is undeniable that this procedure can improve a person’s mood and self-confidence by improving the patient’s appearance. An enhanced self-esteem is a manifestation of recovery from the depression that may have been brought on by the thought of losing one’s youth and vitality.
The psychological benefits of Botox may thus be traced not only to the correlation of bodily systems, but also to the uplifting effects of an improved appearance. Those who wish to find out if they are good candidates for the procedure should consult a highly skilled doctor who is adept at performing cosmetic surgery in Baltimore, such as Jerry Schreiber, MD of the Baltimore Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center.
(Source: More Evidence Botox Works for Depression,