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Plastic Surgeon Baltimore: Quick Guide to Liposuction


Liposuction, or “lipoplasty,” is a surgical procedure in which certified plastic surgeons remove excess, unwanted fat from the patient’s body. The surgery is not generally done as a weight loss measure, but rather to rid the midsection of stubborn pockets of fat cells that the patient cannot eliminate on their own. This usually occurs after diet and exercise have been attempted for an extended period of time, but no further progress is seen. Find out if a tummy tuck Baltimore is right for you and have your lipoplasty questions answered below!


There is more than just one way this procedure can be completed. Your plastic surgeon in Baltimore will utilize two of the most popular and effective practices: ultrasonic and tumescent. Ultrasonic liposuction consists of an ultrasonic energy that breaks up the fat cells, making them smaller and more easy to remove. This form of liposuction is used to focus on larger pockets of fat, reducing them to a sizable amount in which they can be entirely removed. Often, tummy tuck surgeons will follow up the ultrasonic liposuction with a tumescent tummy tuck. This second format involves an insertion of a tumescent fluid made up of saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine, which targets and eliminates smaller particles of fat that may not be retrievable by the ultrasonic method.

Clients that choose a tummy tuck in Baltimore MD are treated with the utmost care from start to finish. A typical process with your plastic surgery professional, Dr. Schreiber, will begin with a consultation. This is when drawing on the body may occur, to highlight the areas in which you hope to remove fatty tissue. After surgery is completed, your plastic surgeon in Baltimore may recommend a compression garment to ensure the healing process occurs properly. Recovery time varies from individual to individual, but will generally last anywhere from a few days to a week. This depends on the client and amount of fat removed.

As with many other cosmetic surgeries, the benefit of getting the body that you want and desire can accompany some risks. Fortunately, most of the risk factors associated with lipoplasty can be taken care of with preventative measures, and limiting risk-inducing activities prior to surgery. For example, a common risk factor that can impact a tummy tuck is smoking and general health. Increasing risky behaviors, neglecting physical health, and smoking can negatively influence surgery in which you will need to be under anesthesia. Consult with your doctor and be honest about the status of your health. Doing so will allow your surgeon to confirm if you are a qualified candidate for tummy tuck Baltimore.

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