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Baltimore Liposuction Expert Discusses Your Fat Removal Options


Baltimore Liposuction is still the gold standard for fat removal

There are a lot of new nonsurgical fat removing and body sculpting procedures on the market today. These procedures work great but only on a select few. They also require multiple treatments which can end up being more costly than the surgical alternative, liposuction. Liposuction remains the gold standard for fat removal and body contouring.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction (also known as liposculpture) is a surgical procedure that breaks down and removes the subcutaneous fat layer (fat just under the skin) in parts of the body that are notoriously and stubbornly resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure; instead, it is a way to remove pockets of fat that are not responsive to diet and exercise in otherwise healthy individuals.

What areas can liposuction treat?

Some common “problem” areas of the body where liposuction is performed include:


  • Double Chin
  • Back of Neck
  • Bottom of Upper Arms
  • Female Breasts
  • Outer Thighs or Saddlebags
  • Bra Strap Area
  • Abdomen or Belly Pooch
  • Muffin Top
  • Hips or Love Handles
  • Male Breast



How is it performed?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves making small incisions in the skin and inserting a tool called a cannula into the fat pocket. This cannula is attached to a suction device or a syringe to remove the fat.

This is typically an outpatient surgery, so while patients may be put under general anesthesia they are often allowed to go home the same day as the procedure.

Different Types of Liposuction

Dr. Schreiber utilizes two types of liposuction: ultrasonic and tumescent liposuction.

  • Ultrasonic liposuction has been used for many years. Its safety and reliability is time tested and proven to give great results. When applied to fat cells, the ultrasonic energy breaks up the fat cells and makes it much easier to remove. This ensures that as much fat as possible is removed. Dr. Schreiber commonly uses ultrasonic liposuction in the chest for male gynecomastia, abdomen, back, and in areas that have already been treated because of scar tissue.  Following the ultrasonic liposuction, Dr. Schreiber will use tumescent liposuction in order to remove the fat that has been broken down by the ultrasonic energy.
  • Tumescent liposuction involves the instillation of tumescent fluid into the areas of the body where the liposuction will be performed. This tumescent fluid is commonly made up of sterile normal saline, lidocaine (to decrease pain,) and epinephrine to minimize blood loss. Tumescent liposuction can be done in the operating room alone or in combination with other cosmetic surgery procedures, like breast augmentation, tummy tucks, and even thigh lifts.

As a local Baltimore liposuction specialist, Dr. Schreiber also offers tumescent liposuction right in his office under local anesthesia in order to treat smaller areas of excess fat.  Ultrasonic liposuction is always done in the operating room because of the equipment necessary to perform this procedure.

Different Liposuction Techniques

  • Lipo360 is the newest trend in Baltimore liposuction While traditional liposuction only focused on 1-3 areas, Lipo360 concentrates on sculpting a patient in a 360 degree contour to get the best results possible from liposuction.
  • VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance– VASER is an ultrasonic liposuction technique which uses targeted vibrations to break down the fat cells prior to removal via suction via cannula. This method ensures that only fat cells are broken down meaning, less tissue damage, discomfort, and downtime compared to traditional liposuction. Vaser liposuction is less traumatic on the body, allowing the body to heal quicker, show faster results, and get your back to your everyday activities within three to five days.

Dr. Jeff Schreiber is a liposuction expert and his main focus is to provide his patients with the best possible liposuction results safely.  To schedule a consultation, please fill out the form at the side of this page or call (410) 205-1846.

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