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Do I need a breast augmentation in Baltimore, a breast lift in Baltimore, or both?


If you have considered having cosmetic breast surgery, there is a good chance that you have also wondered if you need a breast augmentation, a breast lift or both. There are various factors that will come into play when making this decision.

The most common reasons why women consider a combo breast lift with implants include:

  • Your breasts have lost volume, shape, and firmness due to pregnancy, age, weight loss, or gravity
  • Your breasts are noticeably different in size or shape, and you want more symmetry and fullness
  • Your breasts appear deflated and your nipples and/or areolas are pointing downwards or positioned below the breast crease


A breast lift changes the position of your nipples and areolas, elevates your breasts, and removes any excess skin. The benefit is perkier breasts that look more youthful.

Peri-Areolar Breast Lift – Sometimes referred to as a “donut lift,” the peri-areolar breast lift technique is a great option for women with mild sagging who would benefit from subtle lifting. With this technique, renowned Plastic Surgeon in Baltimore, Dr. Schreiber will make one, circular incision around the entire outer edge of your areola. Again, this technique results in a minimally visible scar.

Anchor Breast Lift – With incisions placed in the shape of an anchor, this lifting technique is reserved for women who require dramatic reshaping to improve significant sagging.

Lollipop Breast Lift– is more suitable for moderately sized breasts. The lollipop lift begins as the anchor lift does. The incision is made around the areola, and then an incision is made down the center of the lower breast.


If you want to achieve a bigger size and more fullness, then combining a breast lift with breast implants is something to look into.

Dr. Schreiber will suggest which implant type based on your body shape, medical history, lifestyle, and beauty goals. The following options are available for breast augmentation in Baltimore:

  • Saline-filled breast implants are filled with sterile salt water. They are filled at the time of surgery to allow for a shorter incision and for minor modifications in implant size.
  • Silicone-filled breast implants are filled with soft gel and are available in a variety of shapes. All silicone breast implants are pre-filled and may require a longer incision for implant placement.
  • Cohesive gel silicone implants, also known as “gummy bear” or “form stable” implants, are filled with a cohesive silicone gel which makes them feel thicker and firmer than traditional silicone implants. This enables them to retain their shape and better projection.
  • Shaped implants, also called “teardrop” or “anatomical” implants have less fullness in the upper part and more fullness in the lower part, mimicking the shape of a real breast. They have advantages and disadvantages compared to other implants.

Once you decide which type of breast implant to combine with your breast lift in Baltimore, you should think about the placement of the implant. Dr. Schreiber can place it either: Behind the pectoral muscle or behind the breast tissue and will discuss this with you at your personal consultation.

To get further information or book your consultation please contact us (410) 205 -1846.

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